Coast Life is an all-ages, three day community cultural and education event that celebrates coastal life whilst educating audiences on how we can better protect and preserve our waterways.
Featuring live music, live art, workshops, keynote talks, panel discussions, poetry, comedy, food & beverage, market stalls, kids’ games, smoking ceremony, yarns around the campfire, demonstrations, dance, art installations, satellite events through town, and more!
The inagural COAST LIFE at The Entrance North, NSW, 2019. Film by Decibell Productions.
COAST LIFE acknowledges the Gimuy Walubara Yidinji, Yirrganydji, Buluwai, Djabugay, Mandingalbay Yidinji, and Gunggandji who are the custodians of the lands of the broader Cairns region on which the COAST LIFE Festival is held.